Fairview Community Association HUB

Who are you and what hub are you with?
Bruce Holland - Fairview Community Association HUB
How would you describe your hub? Would you say that it's intentional or accidental?
In development - Accidental and Intentional
How old is your hub?
Brand New
What stage of development would you say you're in? Where along the hub 'spectrum' would you put yourself?
Organization has been around for aprox. 7 years, but the HUB is just forming.
What services are offered at your hub? What are some of the reasons people come in?
In development.
How do people get to your hub?
Walk, bus, auto.
What is your governance structure? Do you have a board of directors?
Volunteer Board of Directors.
If you have staff, how many and what are their roles?
Who are your key partners? What roles do they play?
United Way, Fairview Family Centre, local Businesses, Other service organizations.
How are you funded / supported? What are your income streams? (ie. grants, membership, federal gov’t, provincial gov’t, municipality, social enterprise)
In development.
Do you have a volunteer program? If so, what works and what doesn’t? How does it run?
Yes, Has just started. Too early to give additional responses.
In context of your community, are you a functional or geographic hub?
Are you a resource for other community projects?
How much of your space is accessible to the public? Is there an open space to just sit down / linger?
To be determined.
Story Questions
What is the story of your hub? How did your hub come about? What is its history?
The Fairview Community Association formed aprox. 7 years ago, but has struggled to become relevant in the community. Recently, a strong board of directors has formed and with the support of the United Way has begun to become more active and relevant in the community. We expect to locate a facility to call our own in the coming months and are wrking on the development of several projects ithe public have been asking for for years.
What’s working well?
The new board of directors.
What are your challenges?
If you could go back to the beginning of your hub (or your role), is there anything you would do differently? Why?
We are at the beggining and I am a new participant.
What do you think is the most special or unique thing about your hub?
The most special thing is the dedication of the people we now have on the board of directors.
What has been most valuable for your community about having a hub?
To be determined.
Who uses your hub? Who benefits?
To be determined.
What kind of feedback do you get from your users?
We get lots of feed back everytime we have a public meeting. Mostly that they are disappointed that nothing has happened since the formation of the FCA.
What do you imagine your hub will be like in 5 years? 10 years?
I imagine it will be a welcoming, inviting place providing many, many services and opportunities to the community.
What motivates your volunteers?
Serving our community.
Is there space for informal socializing or for more formal programming, or both?
There will be.
What is your group doing to encourage different groups / individuals to meet one another and network / build social capital?
Right now we hold several events each year that bring the community together socially.
Future Needs
Do you think it would be valuable for the the neighbourhood hubs convening project to continue in some way? If so, how often would you like to meet?
Most definately. Quarterly.
Considering the challenges faced by your hub, what - if any - skill building/learning opportunities do you think could be helpful?
Regular meetings and an annual HUB's conference would allow HUB's the opportunity to continually see what others are doing, what works and what doesn't. Will save individuals and groups lots of time and energy.
Is there anything else you’d like to say here?
Yes, This is a fabulous initiative, One that I beleive has lots of value and will be benificial to the greater community in Halifax and all of Nova Scotia.